
The Importance of Self-Care

The Importance of Self-Care

How has your summer been so far? With August already here, it feels like this summer flew by, but as the saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun,” and that is certainly true for our crew here at Noble Companion. Event after event, and a litany of new people that we’ve gotten to know have only reinforced our love and commitment to companion care and the people we serve.

As summer winds down and autumn looms ever closer on the horizon, we decided to make a blog post dedicated to self-care, in hopes that you take some time to show yourself the same appreciation that we feel for all those that we have the joy of working with. If self-care is something that you find yourself putting on the backburner, we hope that this post inspires you to consider making a little more time for yourself, so here are a handful of tips on the topic of self-care for you to think about putting into practice!


Grooming self-care

1.) Electric razors: If shaving with a traditional razor leaves you with knicks and cuts, or if the whole process of shaving has become a drag (pun intended), you might want to consider looking into a rechargeable electric razor. Many electric razors come with different tools for grooming tough areas, and unlike traditional razors, they require no water or lather before using; thus, making a quick trim much easier. Skin care is a crucial self-care practice, and small cuts on your skin can lead to more serious problems, so in combination with making your life easier, an electric razor can free you from the knicks and cuts that come with a traditional shave.

2.) Exfoliate and moisturize: A second self-care habit related to healthy skin is using a gentle cloth when showering or freshening up. While this suggestion might seem like a no-brainer, it’s important to mention the positive effects that come from this practice. Follow up with a lotion that your body agrees with, and your skin will look and feel better in no time. Additionally, when we feel better about how we look, our mindset and self-image improve. Try using a lotion with SPF protection, and don’t skip the lotion just because it’s summer: a year-round routine is always the best practice for self-care.

3.) Shower habits: Beyond basic hygiene, the shower can be a powerful place for self-care. If showering feels like a chore, try some new products or dedicate a set time each day for showering. Things like shower radios, or waterproof light fixtures can help change the atmosphere of your bathroom to make showering more subconsciously enticing. People famously seem to enjoy singing in the shower and/or taking time for deep thought and reflection; whatever changes might strengthen your desire to shower more regularly are changes you should consider for your grooming self-care routines.


Psychological self-care

1.) Counting your blessings: In a world of non-stop news and rapid change, it can be easy to let the positive things in your life fall to the back of your mind. If you find yourself feeling down after a day of news stories, technology trouble, and social media; you should take time to remove yourself from all the outside noise and reflect on the good things in your life. Even if the current moment has no obvious positive aspects to it, reflecting on past joys, future hopes, and basic blessings can quickly bring you out of the negative headspace that accompanies bad feelings.

2.) Electronic detox: This self-care practice is the easiest in theory but one of the hardest to follow through with. As technology and electronics continue to hold more and more power over our lives, it can feel as if we are unable to survive without them. While it’s true that they are nearly a necessity in this day and age, the content that we are exposed to from these devices can negatively affect your mental well-being. Everything from games, news, messages, emails, calls, videos, and more can add up quickly as they all vie for your attention; so, the self-care challenge we present to you is to find a time to drop all electronic devices and engage in literally any other activity. If you are worried you might miss something important, just let your close people know that you’re putting this practice into play so that they can respect it without worrying about you. There was a day not too long ago when people got by just fine without constant connection, so setting time aside to “return” to that era shouldn’t be viewed as scary – it should be understood as a part of proper psychological self-care.

3.) Stay social: Don’t let social media and non-stop news fool you into thinking they’re an acceptable substitute for real human interaction! Staying social has more benefits that you would even want to read about, and there are a million outlets for social engagement of all kinds at all ages, so go attend an event at your community center, sign up for a class at a community college, join a gym or sports league, call an old friend, sign up to volunteer, whatever you feel comfortable trying will pay dividends in terms of your psychological self-care!


Physical self-care

1.) Stretch: Starting and ending your day with gentle stretching can help your body maintain flexibility and recover better while sleeping. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, one pulled muscle can result in pain that lasts longer than you might expect and stretching your body twice a day can help allow your muscles more elasticity which in turn can help prevent muscle problems. If you really want to max out your posture and flexibility, look into a beginner yoga class where an instructor can guide you through the basic movements and postures.

2.) Exercise: Speaking of yoga, exercise is a form of physical self-care that is often mentioned when discussing the topic. At this point, most everybody knows the massive positive impact exercise has on the body and mind, but getting started can be daunting. A self-care solution to this difficulty can be found by partnering with a friend or loved one and exercising together instead of going it alone. Plus, having a partner to exercise with holds you both accountable which makes an exercise routine much easier to stay involved in.

3.) Healthy food: The other elephant in the room of self-care practices is healthy food. Yes, right alongside exercise, healthy food should be a cornerstone of anyone's self-care regiment. Find a healthy food option you enjoy and use it like a little reward each day. You don’t even need to cut out all the sweets and treats, just adding a little something healthy into your diet can make a positive impact on your physical health and should be considered as a part of your overall self-care regiment.


So as Summer 2024 nears its end and another cold winter looms on the horizon, consider your self-care practices and how you can add more or alter the existing ones for the better. Winter will be made easier with these practices in play, and by the time Spring 2025 rolls around, you’re likely to notice a difference in your mental and physical health.

It can be easy to set aside your own self-care, especially if you’re tasked with caring for others, but just remember that you’re worth it, and if you don’t take the time to care for yourself, you’ll be less able to care for others. From all of us here at Noble Companion, we hope you have a great end to your summer, and that you treat yourself to a little more self-care in the future because you deserve it!